Back when I was in the corporate world, I loved to polish my nails. I give myself regular mani-pedis. I do it myself because I get so paranoid about hearing and reading horror stories about how nails and toes/fingers get "murdered" by beauty parlors and nail salons. The good: I get to choose my nail polish brands and shades, the bad: the end result is never as good as the ones done in the salon. Oh well. It's a small compromise for safety and convenience.
Back to my kwento. Back when I was in the corporate world, I was confined to "safe" earth tone colors. I had to stick to shades of beige and pink. I had to confine my firetruck red nail polish to my toes only since they're hidden. Now that I'm a wahm, I always thought I'd get to pamper myself more, changing nail polish shades every week, trying all the different colors, not just the reds and purples but blues and greens... Two months into my new life, still no nail polish, in fact no mani-pedi! Waaah! How can I let this happen?
So now I vow to give myself a much needed mani-pedi as soon as I can. I'll post these colorful images as inspiration:
Here are some pics from my friend Sarah Lynn. I hope I can do my nails as well as she does...
Wish me luck!